The Liberty Connection

Our lives our interconnected. Our successes are results of our many parts working together, and our failures never happen in a vacuum. Successful people live balanced lives by keeping their emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical parts active and functioning together. A problem in one area is most likely caused by a problem in another.

This principle works on a much larger scale as well. Every society has four main sectors: Governmental, Economic, Religious, and Educational. If these four segments are kept strong, healthy, and working together in liberty then a vibrant, free society will develop. But problems that emerge in each sector will have negative influences on others.

A dramatic example today is the world economy. We all agree there is a problem, but it requires thought on a higher level to realize that this did not happen in a vacuum. We see that the economic problem was caused by a governmental problem. Governmental problems are the result of problems in the way people in government were educated. And if you have an educational problem, that really means you have a philosophical problem based on faulty religious philosophy.

Religion sets the premises of a belief system. Christianity set forth the premises of the belief systems of America's founders, and the government is based on this biblical belief system that says rights come from God, government exists to protect the people's liberties, and upholds the universal principles of the unalienable rights of man, and the right to life, liberty, and property. Religious philosophy sets the stage for the educational sector, and in turn, the governmental, and economic sectors.

When the education system falls victim to a false religious philosophy, the children of a nation learn faulty premises on which to base their budding belief systems. When these people enter the ranks of government, national policy starts relying less on core principles, and more on the issues of the day. When the nation abandons its core principles, its economic system will suffer.

Today's economic woes were caused by a lack of governance. A lack of self-governance for the money-makers on Wall Street and in the big financial companies who could not temper their desire for money with common sense, self-governance for the millions of Americans who overspent on houses and credit, and lack of governance in our local and national policies that allowed these things to occur.

We are left with the startling conclusion that a nation's religious belief determines its economic prosperity. There is not anywhere in the world you can go where the religious belief system of that nation does not affect its civil laws and liberty, and therefore, its economic prosperity. Individuals with solid belief systems based on core principles will lead and sustain healthy educational, governmental, and economic structures.

It is vital to remember that all liberties are interconnected. Individuals cannot live in liberty if their belief systems are based on faulty premises. These belief systems will impact every sector of society: educational, governmental, and economic.

The preservation and sustainment of Liberty depends on you. It's time to discover liberty or lose it.