West Sussex County Council Youth Work Cuts

West Sussex County Council Youth Work is incredible. I can say this as I have been an active volunteer for the West Sussex County Council Youth Offenders Service for just over a year and seen first hand what the Youth workers aim to achieve, how they plan and the positive end results. I am a volunteer Panel Member (not as active as I wish I was recently) and I, along with another volunteer and a West Sussex Youth Worker meet with young people between the ages of 10 - 17 as the first stepping stone into guiding the young offender on to the right path. Writing this post for This is Sussex I can honestly say the Young people I have met have not been the stereotypical 'yobbo', 'hoodrat', or 'ASBO king'. They have all been Young People that have either made a mistake or use it as a cry for help!

Young person commits a crime for the first time, pleads guilty, then with luck the court orders them to see the Youth Offending Panel. The panel meets with the young person to discuss the offence and how 'we' as a community can help the young person back on to the right path. This is or can be an extremely difficult task. However with the guidance of the West Sussex Youth Offending Service and the superior training they offer, the volunteers are well equipped to play an active part in the Young persons life. Guiding the young people to take part in various activities, to see careers advice people at Connexions and to guide them to support should they need it, because there is a lot out there.

The short term, full on activeness of this service starts to reduce the up and coming Criminals of today, with very few entering the system again whilst being considered a youth.

The system provides centres that act as Youth Clubs where Young people have access to Youth Workers that are trained in all aspects of emotional, physical abuse and are trained to guide and support these young people.

However, all this and more is at risk! How can a service like this, that aims to reduce crime and make British streets safe, be considered a non-priority? It is beyond me how todays Government sees fit to reduce Police Force numbers and reduce short term Youth work. If this is allowed to go ahead we will be a Gang owned state much like the film 'Shank'. Shank depicts a year 2015 London, England where Young Gangs control London. The economy is riddled with exaggerated prices such as