Why, I Love My HOA

I love my HOA. Not familiar words. Mostly I hear words of contempt, anger, frustration where hate is substituted for love. Call me crazy but I have sacrificed money, when there was vary little to go around, time, at the expense of recreational activities, to become a Certified Community Manager. Why? Because, I love my Country. Yes, the two are infinitely connected.

While studying to become a Certified Community Manager, I discovered the basis for community organization is the same system the Founding Fathers of the United States organized as the Government of the United States, a Representative Republic.

In an article written by David Barton January 2001, titled Democracy vs. Republic, David said, "We have grown accustomed to hearing that we are a democracy; such was never the intent. The form of government entrusted to us by our Founders was a republic, not a democracy. Our Founders had an opportunity to establish a democracy in America and chose not to. In fact, the Founders made clear that we were not, and were never to become, a democracy:"

The current United States government has shifted to empowering the Legislative, Judicial and Presidential arms of our governance, and abandoned the structure of a Representative Republic.

I took a stand. To stand with the governance that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers, a