Our Constitution is under attack by most of your elected representative that took an oath to obey, protect and defend that magnificent blueprint of checks and balances. That's right attacked by your elected that you pay their bloated salaries and perks to!
The primary function of any legitimate government is to protect the inalienable rights and freedoms of the INDIVIDUAL. For over a century our government has been incrementally placing us into perpetual debt slavery to an oligarchy of special interests that have bought your elected representatives and feather their personal and political fortunes. Most of your representatives have bought into this oligarchy.
The oligarchy is composed of giant banking syndicates, corporate giants and their Wall Street accomplices. This is a world oligarchy that includes the world agencies of the UN and secret societies such as the International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bilderbergs and others. Many of your elected are members of these secret societies and give allegiance to them over their constituency. That is why you hear so much about a new world order or world government. This is not a conspiracy theory and is documented for those that care to research these trends.
This has been going on over a century, but since it has been accomplished incrementally, few noticed until we are now face to face with the consequences of this conspiracy.
Our Constitution held up reasonably well until about a century ago in 1913, when Congress abdicated their duty to control our money and turned it over to a cabal of giant private banking interests known as the Federal Reserve. Their control of money and interest rates has devaluate our dollar by 96% from 1914 to today and placed us in debt to these banks to the tune of many trillions of dollars. It has turned what were at one time statesmen into professional politicians.
The framers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, our founding fathers, warned us of virtually every misstep that our government has taken us. They weren't clairvoyant, just were students of history and had already suffered the atrocities of tyranny that led us to the Revolutionary War.
We have ignored all their warnings. We now teeter on the brink of economic collapse and the chains of perpetual debt slavery are being snapped into place unless we reverse these trends and restore our Constitutional tenets.
We see our inalienable rights and freedoms stripped from us with laws such as the Patriots act and watch as martial law is foisted on us to protect us from the terrorists. As you watch our liberties taken from us and myriads of unconstitutional laws are crammed down our throats, really, WHO are the real terrorists?
Pray that the newly elected representatives that have argued for the Constitution can rise above the temptations of the special interests and invoke the principles of the Constitution. In order to make this happen, we the people must help. We must arise from our slumber, turn off the TV and take action in your local, county, state and federal governments, where you can. Our founding fathers gave us self government. It is time that we use it!