Aim To Achieve New Highs In Muscle Size - Use Glucosamine

As you aim to achieve new highs in terms of muscle size and strength, it is equally important to maintain good bone, joint and cartilage condition to prevent injuries. Many strength and endurance athletes include glucosamine as a means to improving performance and maintaining stability through difficult workouts. Read on and find out what makes it a very important amino sugar.

Glucosamine is an aminomonosaccharide that is naturally present and produced in the human body by chondrocytes located in cartilage. Generally, glucosamine functions to create long chains of GAGs or glycosaminoglycans that are necessary for joint and cartilage repair and maintenance. GAGs are modified long chain disaccharides that are the main component of PGs or proteoglycans. PGs together with collagen and chondrocytes make up cartilage. One type of glucosamine forms chitin that makes up exoskeletons and cell walls of various organisms.

The amino sugar is the most abundant monosaccharide. It is commercially made from crustacean exoskeletons or by fermenting corn or wheat. Glucosamine production in the human body tends to slow down as the person ages. It may also be known as glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, chitosamine, glucosamine sulphate or N-acetyl glucosamine.

Glucosamine is widely available in most health food shops and online stores in the form of sports drinks, nutritional supplements or powders as well as cosmetics. In most supplements the amino sugar is mixed with methylsulfonylmethane. It may also be mixed with chondroitin sulfate that further aids by increasing cartilage damage by enzymes and improving cartilage elasticity.

Glucosamine intake is known to increase the production of GAG and PG. When chondorcytes in cartilage gain access to glucosamine, these are able to create connective tissue in a more rapid manner since three chemical reaction phases can be skipped. Only phosphorylation reaction is required to create glucosamine-6-phosphate. Potential diffusion of amino acids and glucose through synovial membranes and joint capsules on the knees, elbows and other joints are enhanced as well as fibrotic articular tissues heal through glucosamine supplementation.

Bodybuilders are highly concerned about joint and cartilage condition since they are constantly pushing these to the limits when lifting very heavy loads. Without adequate glucosamine, GAG synthesis would be slowed or shut down entirely. Proteoglycan synthesis will also slow down or cease causing joints to become sorer after strenuous exercises or workouts. Chronic stress on the joints or wear and tear will eventually lead to long term joint problems like osteoarthritis. Nerve and spine damage are big risks if bones and joints are unattended to for a long period of time.

Glucosamine taken orally is traditionally used to treat osteoarthritis and other joint and bone ailments. This greatly helps in rebuilding cartilage and reducing pain responses triggered by two bones rubbing together. Normally, synovial fluid helps lubricate joints to prevent friction pain and maintain proper mobilization. At present, athletes and bodybuilders take glucosamine to maintain good joint stability and strength and prevent injury.