Alternatives Ways You Can Do To Treat A Cold Sore On Your Lips - What Are Some Ways To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore?

I've got this bad cold sore at the moment, but the ointments that are supposed to heal it quicker don't really work so much in my opinion; so, I was looking for some alternatives. What Are Some Ways To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore?

If you also have a cold sore and are looking for Alternatives Ways You Can Do to Treat a Cold Sore on Your Lips , then this article will help you out. The first alternative I can think of is to go to the pub, get involved in a brawl, and hope that some fellow hits me on the lip with a broken glass bottle which cuts the part with the cold sore off.

As for more Alternatives Ways You Can Do to Treat a Cold Sore on Your Lips You can also apply a paste made of cornstarch and water. This would help relieve the pain, but you