Are My Arms Shrinking Or Do I Need Reading Glasses?

Are My Arms Shrinking Or Do I Need Reading Glasses?

 by: Steve Cogger

With age comes many things, one of which is the need to wear reading glasses. People over 40 will often realize that they are holding reading materials out at arms length just so they can read them. The cause is an age-related condition called presbyopia. It may not be preventable, but it doesn't need to be the end of the world.

Presbyopia is what causes people to need reading glasses. People without other vision problems will be more likely to notice the development of presbyopia. This condition is caused by hardening of the lens in the eye that causes it to lose flexibility. This loss of flexibility results in difficulty seeing up close, also known as nearsightedness. The condition generally worsens over time and should be diagnosed by a doctor. The symptoms of presbyopia are blurred vision when reading or working closely, headaches, eye strain and dizziness. A doctor can diagnose the condition and give you your prescription. Presbyopia is a normal condition that will strike almost everyone over the age of forty.

When you begin asking yourself "do I need reading glasses?" the answer is probably yes. If you already wear glasses you will remedy the problem by adding a bifocal lens to your regular glasses. For those who do not normally wear glasses a pair of reading glasses will work to correct the condition. Reading glasses can be bought through your doctor, at a retail store or online. If you are buying them somewhere other than your doctor's office you will need to know your prescription or reading power . This will allow you to buy the correct pair of reading glasses.

The need for reading glasses will be encountered by everyone once they reach their forties. It is a natural and normal condition that shouldn't cause any worry. A visit to the doctor and the purchase of reading glasses should help fix the problem. So, if you find yourself saying "do I need reading glasses" make an appointment to get your eyes checked, don't panic, and remember that Presbyopia is a normal part of the aging process.