Bextra, Vioxx and side effects – Do you need a lawyer

The recent withdrawals of the prescription medications Vioxx and Bextra from the marketplace have many people concerned. Studies show that the use of Vioxx could increase the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks; Bextra carries those same risks and also increases the chances of contracting Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a potentially fatal skin disease. Frequently prescribed to minimize the inflammation and pain of arthritis, these prescription drugs belong to a family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors.

COX-2 inhibitors are a relatively recent breakthrough in medicine; they interfere with the COX-2 enzyme, which causes pain and inflammation, without interfering with COX-1, which protects the stomach lining.. Previous anti-inflammatory drugs eased the symptoms, but also interfered with COX-1, leaving many patients suffering from gastric discomfort.

While everyone who has been taking either Vioxx or Bextra would be well advised to see their doctor immediately, they might also wish to consider whether or not they should seek an attorney. While most people who have been taking these drugs have not suffered from adverse effects, anyone who has suffered from a heart attack, stroke, or other unusual symptoms while taking these medications may have grounds for a lawsuit. People who believe that they have been harmed by their use of Vioxx have already filed numerous lawsuits; similar suits involving Bextra are now being prepared. These suits are generally brought forth by attorneys who are experienced in drug litigation. A meeting with such an attorney, along with information from your physician, can probably help determine whether or not a prescribed COX-2 inhibitor may have harmed you. He or she can also advise you as to whether it would be in your best interest to either file a lawsuit or participate in a class-action suit, in which you and a number of other people with similar claims would file a suit as a group. Most attorneys who do this type of work charge on a contingency basis; you do not pay unless they both agree to take your case and win in court. Settlements in these sorts of cases vary widely; some class-action suits yield just a few dollars per person. Individual suits could yield dramatically larger amounts, and if you need long-term medical care as a result of Bextra or Vioxx-induced harm, you could qualify for a structured settlement.

If you believe that you have been harmed by your use of Bextra or Vioxx, you may or may not benefit from speaking with an attorney. You will certainly benefit from speaking with your physician, and anyone who has been taking either one of these drugs would be well advised to speak with their doctor immediately.

About the Author

©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to the withdrawn drug Bextra and, a site devoted to structured settlements.