Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to enlarge and enhance the size and shape of the breasts with the use of implants. Currently, saline implants are probably the best choice for most women considering breast augmentation.

The implants can be placed in front or behind the muscle. The incisions for placement of the implants can be transaxillary (under the armpit), periareolar (around the nipple) or inframammary (in the fold under the breast). The best position and incision will vary for each patient. We are also employing the latest endoscopic technology and are placing the implants through minimal access incisions and with the use of lighted scopes.

Many different implant styles exist ranging from round to tear drop (anatomical) shaped with a variety of dimensions. Implants can be textured or smooth walled. The type and size of an implant will depend on the characteristics of the individual breasts to be augmented as well as the patients goals.

Breast augmentation sizes come in many varying shapes, sizes, and forms. Depending on the patients goal, different breast augmentation sizes will be chosen. The breast augmentation sizes are referred to as ccs, or the amount the implant is filled. The higher the ccs, the larger the breast augmentation sizes are. The average breast augmentation patient is a 34-year old mom with two kids, so some patients are more concerned with restoring a youthful look rather than seeking large breast augmentation sizes.

The cosmetic surgeon will thoroughly evaluate each patient to find out what the patients goals are and to advise the patient of various breast augmentation sizes that may fulfill the appearance desired. In 2002 alone, over 225,000 women chose to undergo breast enlargement surgery because they were not completely satisfied with their current breast augmentation sizes. As the number of people choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery increases and the overall public has become more open about discussing aesthetic alterations, the way beauty is construed varies as people find different breast augmentation sizes more desirable than others.

According to a recent survey, only 13% of the women included reported they have had reoperations on their breast augmentations but 92% of that group chose to have an implant replacement due to changes in breast augmentation sizes desired or other factors. Women wishing to possibly undergo a breast augmentation surgery should first locate a qualified and reputable plastic surgeon and have a thorough consultation to discuss different breast augmentation sizes and options. Women wishing to have a breast augmentation should be realistic in expectations and have proper motivations for breast augmentation sizes.

It has been shown that the women with the greatest overall satisfaction with breast augmentation surgery has a positive image of themselves but wish to just enhance their appearance rather than seeking larger breast augmentation sizes to please another person.

click here for further information on what you must know before you even think about breast augmentation