Challenges With Diagnosis and Treatment For IBS - Control Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Homeopathy

Many already know what IBS is and the challenges with diagnosis and treatment. Because of this predicament, a set of guidelines has been created in trying to diagnose IBS in a patient.

Basically these guidelines suggest that a patient is subjected to different medical examinations. The purpose of this is to rule out every other possible gastrointestinal disease that presents the same signs and symptoms of IBS. Once the process of elimination is done and no other gastrointestinal disease comes up, then physicians may conclude that it is a case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Three of the most common examinations a patient undergoes are sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and enteroscopy. These are invasive procedures that allow the physician to view the inner linings of the gastrointestinal system and make assessments.

Since irritable bowel syndrome has no clear known cause, there is also no specific medicine to treat the disease itself. Most often than not, physicians would give prescription drugs to relieve or suppress the symptoms of IBS such as abdominal cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting. This usually becomes a long-term process.

Other treatment of IBS is through therapies. This is in line with the belief that the disease is caused by stress and other negative emotions.

There are also alternative approaches in treating irritable bowel syndrome and one of those alternative approaches is Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a kind of treatment wherein you use medicines that give off the same effects of the disease a person is suffering. It is like curing poison with the use of another poison.

Homeopathy can be likened to the creation of anti-venom for the poison of a snake. You need to have the poison of the snake to be able to make the substance that can counter it. Another good analogy for this is the vaccine. Vaccines are strains from the original virus which are given to you to create immunity to the disease.

Homeopathy works this way. Homeopathic medicines create artificial diseases that would mimic the effects of the disease you have. The artificial disease produced is somewhat stronger than what you have. Once in the body, it will eliminate its twin and it can do that since it is stronger. After eliminating the original disease, the artificial disease will also then vanish.

Homeopathic medicines are usually from plants. But there are cases when some substances are extracted from animals or even from the affected tissue itself (just like in vaccines). The good thing about homeopathic therapy is that because of the materials that they use, there will be no side effects.