Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12

 by: Tami Close

Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn’t it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep believing in yourself and the miracles will keep happening. The right people will show up and the right opportunities will show up….GUARANTEED!

I am basking in my own light and let me tell you why. I just became a co-author in a book with a few famous people like Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and others. The name of the book is Wake Up Live the Life You Love…Finding Personal Freedom. It’s a compilation of short stories designed to motivate and inspire similar to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The book will come out in March and we anticipate taking it to number #1 on the best seller list. Pretty awesome, right?

Last weekend I attended a conference in Southern California as part of the Wake Up Live family. The keynote speaker was Stedman Graham, Oprah’s boyfriend. During his presentation he came over to me and asked me my name and used me to illustrate some key points for his speech. I also got to attend a VIP dinner with Stedman in attendance. Pretty wonderful, right? I met some other amazing people at the conference who I attracted to help me build my business.

Why am I telling you this? Before I could manifest miracles, I first needed to BELIEVE in myself and TRUST that GOD, my angels, my guides are right here with me all the time lifting me higher and higher. I have spent too many years living in worry and fear and only manifesting heartache as a result. I am not going to waste any more time living off track in lower vibrational energy. God has created me to live my purpose and I want to please Him. Now that I am believing in ME, I am soaring beyond the clouds!

Want to fly with me? Then keep focusing on you and each and every minute of the day thinking thoughts that will bring in more light. You have the tools to do this: RET, EFT, affirmations, meditation, visualization, journaling, forgiveness, exercise, surrounding yourself with positive people. When you have a fearful thought that comes in, take a minute out and go tap. Guess what? You can do this for a screaming child as well. Tap for them on their face, collarbone, under the arm and their head. You’ll get results for them as well.

It will be great to see where you started and where you are now as a result of making you a priority. Remember, we are made to manifest miracles. Listen, trust and take Divine action. Your dreams are right here!

Right now, what are you going to do to bring in more light?

Love and hugs,
