Dealing With Insomnia Naturally - Intro To The Vicious Circle Made In Hell...

Aside from all the known common causes of insomnia such as stress, depression, lack of exercise, a poor diet and an unstable bedtime routine, there's frustration - that's the ongoing, ever-increasing further frustration caused by (yep, you got it) the frustration of not getting the sleep your body and mind needs.

Destroying frustration is also part of the gentle brain re-training program that an insomniac needs for dealing with insomnia naturally and effectively, without the need to resort to poisonous drugs and chemicals.

No matter what the original reason was for your onset of insomnia, it's a given that frustration is gonna end up playing a big part in the vicious circle that makes you feel you've been sent to some kind of hell on earth.

An Intro To The Vicious Circle Made In Hell;