Diabetes Associations

Diabetes Associations

 by: Peter Lenkefi

A person with diabetes needs to acquire the necessary education and knowledge about his condition in order to know how to avoid the onset of acute or chronic complications, and to be able to attack and swiftly remedy any problem. This way life can be enjoyable, healthy, productive, and happy and, above all, free of complications.

Diabetes associations are the perfect places where people with Diabetes and their families will be able to find all kinds of Diabetes related information and education that they need, from from the most basic and simple to the most complex and in-depth aspects concerning to this “Life condition”.

There are lots of leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy. These associations are dedicated to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

To fulfill this mission they funds research, publishes scientific findings, provides information and other services to people with diabetes, their families, health professionals and the public. They also actively involved in advocating for scientific research and for the rights of people with diabetes. They usually provide consumer information on many diabetes-related topicsmeal planning, exercise, complications of diabetes, nutrition, and more. They often work with municipal, provincial, territorial and federal governments and policy-makers to ensure they recognize diabetes as one of the most significant public health issues in World today, and take action to address it.

Some of the pioneer diabetic associations who are providing commendable contribution in the fight against diabetics are listed below.


Diabetes Australia

517 Phipps Place

Deakin ACT 2600


Tel. 61-6-2835277


British Diabetes Association

10 Queen Anne Street

London WIM OBD



American Diabetes Association

1660 Duke Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

Tel. 1-800-2323472 (USA only)



Swedish Diabetic Association

P.O. Box 1545

S 171 29 Solna

Tel. 46-8/629 85 80

Swedish Endocrine Society

c/o Adamson Dept. of Medicine

Danderyd Hospital

s-18288 Danderyd

Tel. 46-1/6556413


Swiss Diabetes Association

Forchstrasse 95

CH-8032 Zurich

Tel.41-1/383 13 15