Doctor, I’m bingeing but I still can’t loose weight

If you rely on bingeing as a means to shed extra pounds or stabilize your weight, let me impart some down-home farming facts to dissuade you from this habit. Six-time Ms. Olympia champion, Cory Everson, offers a simple explanation for why bingeing fails: It’s the same method farmers use to fatten up their hogs for county fairs!

Farmers do this by encouraging their hogs to overeat. For two to three days, farmers deny their hogs food. Then after this forced fast, the farmers give the hogs more food than they can possibly eat. And the hogs, of course, eat like hogs. Much to the content of the farmer, the hogs gain several pounds in the process.

The same thing happens to humans. Not only this, but when you overeat, you tax the liver. One of the key functions of the liver is to release bile, which helps to break down fats. Bingeing not only makes you fatter, it makes it harder for your body to break down fats. That’s a loose-loose situation.

So, unless you’re eyeing a blue ribbon at the country fair, leave bingeing to the hogs.

About the Author

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne” (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work “Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we’re still not getting this dieting thing” (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.
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