Feed Yourself With Nourishing Royal Food.

Royal Jelly, which is secreted from the salivary glands of worker bees, serves as the only food for larvae that will develop into queen bees. It is produced solely for feeding the queen bee; it is an extremely nutritious, thick, milky-white creamy liquid. Queen bees live exclusively on Royal Jelly and it accounts for their incredible size, fertility and longevity.

Royal Jelly is taken extensively to promote energy and health; it is considered by many to be a potent anti-oxidant. It is a complex substance that cannot be recreated synthetically by man. When examining its properties and considering the source of its documented benefits, many conclude that it is its high amino acid content that may make it such a special and rejuvenating substance.

Royal Jelly is a rich treasure chest of nutrients and energy:

The chemical composition of Royal Jelly :- It contains approximately 12% protein with 5-6% lipids and 12-15% carbohydrates. It