Fixing American Healthcare Here Is What Needs To Be Done

To many Americans the healthcare system is broken and in major need of overhaul. The good news is that the Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010 addresses many of America's healthcare problems. The bad news is that significant parts of the new healthcare law will phase in over the next three years rather than immediately, with all legislated changes scheduled to be implemented by 2014. Additional bad news is that significant problems with the American healthcare system are not covered in the Affordable Care Act of 2010.

In the year 1900 agriculture represented two thirds of the American economy. Today agriculture accounts for less than 3% of the U.S. economy. There have been huge advances based on research, technology, farm management and agricultural practices. Farms on average are much larger. In 1900 no one could have comprehended or predicted the changes that would happen in agriculture. The same level of change is needed in healthcare, but it needs to be accomplished in 10 years or less. President Kennedy challenged America to put a person on the moon within a decade and we did it. The same type of challenge and mobilization is needed in healthcare reform now.

Republicans fought passage of the law every step of the way and Democrats avoided many key provisions in the hope of getting a few Republicans in the Senate to support the bill in order to get it passed into law. The result is a less than perfect partial solution to a large-scale set of problems.

The Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010 is primarily health insurance reform legislation. The passage of this legislation was highly controversial. The new healthcare law addresses many issues that required attention for decades. There are parts of the law that can and should be improved on and there are many healthcare issues that still need to be addressed, especially dealing with the quality and cost of healthcare.

The Key Problems with the American Healthcare System

Following is a summary of many of the key problems facing the American healthcare system