Has Anxiety taken over your life

Anxiety is the leading clinically diagnosable mental
health disorder – it affects millions of people. Everyone
experiences a little anxiety in life. It can be necessary
and a motivator to help us make plans and perform well.
However, anxiety disrupts the everyday life of millions of
people. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, anxiety
disorder is the most common mental health problem in the
United States. Almost 19 million Americans (aged 18 to 54)
suffer from some anxiety disorder each year, according to
a analysis by the National Institute of Mental Health

Anxiety disorders are primarily on overwhelming fear.
Everyone experiences the tingle of fear and anxiety,
especially when encountering an anxiety provoking
experience like public speaking or a first date. However,
the difference of an anxiety disorder is the difference
between an occasional feeling of apprehension and a
constant and dominating force in your life. If anxiety is
all consuming, it is a disorder and you need to take steps
to correct it.

One of the most familiar and studied forms of anxiety
disorder is the panic attack. The patient usually feels
his or her heart race and also pain or pressure in the
chest. Generalized anxiety disorder is another of the more
commonly diagnosed forms. It manifests as constant worry
that is beyond normal bounds. Other symptoms include a
lengthy event lasting six months or longer, muscle
tension, difficulty staying focused on a subject, trouble
sleeping, and feeling continuously irritated. Panic
attacks don't usually result from general anxiety
disorder, but it can still make life difficult. That type
of worry is exhausting, takes away interest in one's life,
and can cause mood swings. Some other anxiety disorders
include social anxiety, obsessive compulsive behavior,
various phobias, and post- traumatic stress syndrome.

Diagnosing these disorders is not easy as they incorporate
brain functions and there is still a lot to be learned
about them. No one in the medical profession has yet
learned why a particular person's fear response is
amplified so much more than another's. Researchers do know
that five neurotransmitters become disturbed in these
disorders and medications have been developed to treat
them. They include anti-depressants and anti- anxiety

Anxiety disorders are sometimes painful and exhausting,
but there are many options for treatment and healing. The
typical Western response to anxiety combines medication
with psychotherapy. Patients may elect to go to a
psychologist, who guides them through the therapeutic
process, or a psychiatrist who prescribes medication.
Medication is a very effective method of treating anxiety
disorders. The best selling medications are tranquilizers
in the benzodiazepines family which go by the more
recognizable names such as Xanax, Valium and Ativan.
These drugs are very effective in limiting anxiety or
quelling panic, especially for a short-term duration.
However, for patients who require medication to overcome
acute anxiety, antidepressants have produced better
results, especially the selective serotonin re-uptake
inhibitors (SSRI's), such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and

Alternative health care providers view anxiety disorders
from an entirely different perspective. Patients who seek
alternative treatment (usually non-pharmaceutical) should
be prepared to approach the healing process with patience
and introspection. Another therapeutic option is Cognitive
Therapy (CBT) which focuses on creating an understanding
of the thought process that produces worry. It helps
anxiety suffers focus on realistic thoughts rather than
unrealistic worries. Other alternative therapies for
anxiety include relaxation training, desensitization,
breathing exercises, meditation, acupuncture, homeopathy
and biofeedback. In addition, some people find bodywork
such as yoga, massage, chiropractic adjustments or even a
brisk walk to provide long-term relief.

About the Author

Nansia Ressi is the manager of
Pharmacy Lane - a guide to pharmaceutical resources on the
internet. To read more of Nansia's work, please visit: