How a Tens Machine Can Ease Back Pain

A tens machine can provide an effective method to treat back pain. These machines are easy to use and widely available.

Treating Back Pain

Back pain can be a chronic condition that is difficult to diagnose and treat. Because this is so often a long-term condition the management of the associated pain presents some challenges. Prescription medicines can effectively relieve pain but many of them are not suitable for ongoing use. This is because pain killing drugs are very strong and can have an adverse effect on the body if used for long periods. There is also a high risk of the patient becoming dependant on some forms of pain relieving drugs.

A tens machine can be a very important alternative to prescription medicines in the management of back pain.

How Tens Machine Treats Back Pain

Tens machines have virtually no side effects. This is a non-invasive form of pain relief treatment that can be used to combat back pain. A tens machine can provide patients with an easy to use method of treatment that can be used in the long-term safely.

A tens machine works by using tiny electrical pulses to interfere with pain signals sent around the body. The electrical charge produced by a tens machine is very small and will not cause any harm. The electrodes from the tens machine are placed near areas affected by chronic pain. This can help to interrupt the signals being sent to the brain and so relieve symptoms of pain.

Tens machines are also thought to stimulate natural pain defence methods in the brain. This is a secondary benefit from using these machines. This can help you to combat pain in a more natural way and boost your own tolerance to chronic pain.

Pain Treatment

It is important to remember that tens machines do not treat the cause of pain. They are only designed to treat the symptoms of pain relating to conditions such as back problems, arthritis and post-operative pain. This means you will need to seek further advice from your doctor before you consider using a tens machine. They will be able to diagnose your condition and prescribed a full treatment regime to help you get back to full health.

Buying a Tens Machine

Tens machines can be hired from health centres, doctors surgeries, clinics and hospitals. If you only need a tens machine for a short period of treatment then it is a good idea to consider hiring rather than buying. However if you do have a chronic, on-going condition then you can also buy tens machines direct from specialist suppliers.

If you want to buy your own tens machine then the Internet is a good place to look for affordable options.