How Long Does It Take The Cold Sore Virus To Leave Your Body? - Best Cold Sore Treatments Options

I got a cold sore (due to fever) on Thursday. The blister has disappeared. I have a date with my boyfriend on Tuesday, it is an important date to us and I think he may want to kiss me. So, my hopes are that the virus isn't contagious anymore. He does know that I had a cold sore in the past week. Does anyone know how long does it take the cold sore virus to leave your body after it has healed?

If you are also wondering this, then here is a response to this question: Cold sores are caused by the virus known as herpes simplex type I (HSV-1). After the first episode of the disease, the virus lies dormant in the nerves or skin around the original area until something sets the virus off into another eruption. Colds, flu, and even stress can cause you to have an outbreak of cold sores. Why you have an outbreak at one time of life and not another is not clearly understood.

You always have the virus. The virus never leaves the body; it just becomes inactive until it breaks out again. It is the Herpes virus. Peroxide on a Q tip helps doctor it out quicker. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and will never be gone from your body but will lie dormant until something such as infection or stress causes another outbreak to recur.

In the absence of a cold sore one may also transmit the virus through the skin. Oral herpes lesions typically occur on the lips, on the fixed mucosa inside the mouth, including the hard palate and gums, but can occur almost anywhere on the face. Aciclovir cream like zovirax has a drug in it which helps kill the virus


-Use a saline nasal spray

-Place a drop or two of either eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil on a cotton ball or handkerchief and hold near the nose while breathing deeply.


-Drink orange tea. Or eat lemon and honey just doesn