How to Diagnose Asthma - Practical Methods That You Can Use
It's very important that asthma be diagnosed at an early stage so that the patient will not have to endure or suffer the symptoms of asthma without really knowing what kind of illness they have. In addition to that, diagnosing asthma at an early stage so that it can be treated right away with proper medication, leaves no room for complications and other related health concerns.
It must be noted that asthma cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone. No matter how obvious or recurrent the symptoms may be, medical exams such as lung function tests are needed so that there will be a concise asthma diagnosis.
There's no such thing as an asthma diagnosis done at home; that only happens if a doctor goes into a patient's house and decides to assess the patient there. You see, assessing or determining whether a person has asthma is not as easy as it looks.
Aside from the symptoms, a thorough and comprehensive review of the medical history of the patient must also be conducted. It is important to know if one or both sides of the parents of the patient have a history of asthma or other respiratory diseases. This is key because it will determine if there is a family history of asthma.
Aside from getting important information about the medical history of the patient and his or her family, the doctor will also ask the patient what seems to be the triggering factors that induce asthma attacks.
This step seems to be one of the most crucial and unique steps in diagnosing asthma because not everybody has the same triggering factors for their asthma attacks. There are also cases where the patient seems to be confused and unsure of his or her own triggering factors. That's the time when the doctor may need to be more inquisitive to determine what seems to be the triggering factors for the patient's asthma attacks.