Increase Your Training Intensity - Negative Repetitions

When it comes to exercise, there are many different ways to increase your training intensity. One effective method is to utilize negative repetitions, also known as eccentric training. This type of training focuses on the eccentric phase of a muscle contraction, which is the portion where the muscle lengthens as it resists the weight. In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of negative repetitions and how to incorporate them into your workouts.

Why negative repetitions work

Negative repetitions are more challenging than traditional repetitions because they require you to resist the weight in a slow and controlled manner. This type of training causes more muscle damage, which stimulates muscle growth and development. Plus, by emphasizing the eccentric phase, you can target muscle fibers that may not be activated as much during traditional repetitions.

Another benefit of negative repetitions is that they can help you break through plateaus. If you’ve been performing the same exercises for a while and aren’t seeing results, incorporating negative reps can help you push past your current limitations.

How to perform negative repetitions

To perform negative repetitions, you’ll need to focus on the lowering phase of the exercise. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Choose an exercise where you can control the weight, such as bicep curls or bench press.

2. Lift the weight using the normal concentric phase. For example, if you’re doing bicep curls, curl the weight up to your chest.

3. Slowly lower the weight in a controlled manner over a period of about 3-5 seconds.

4. Once you’ve lowered the weight, use your other arm or a spotter to help you lift the weight back up to the starting position.

5. Repeat for a desired number of reps. It’s important to note that negative repetitions are more challenging than traditional reps, so you may be able to perform fewer reps than usual.

Tips for incorporating negative repetitions

If you’re new to negative repetitions, it’s important to start slowly and focus on proper form. Here are some tips for incorporating negative reps into your workout routine:

1. Start with one exercise per workout. Don’t try to incorporate negative reps into every exercise right away.

2. Use lighter weights than you would for traditional reps. The focus is on the eccentric phase, so you don’t need to go as heavy.

3. Use a spotter or partner to help you lift the weight back up if needed.

4. Keep the tempo slow and controlled. Don’t rush through the eccentric phase.

5. Add negative reps gradually over time. Once you become more comfortable with this type of training, you can add more exercises or increase the number of reps.

Negatives reps can be incorporated into any exercise program, and can be especially effective when your traditional workouts have started to plateau. At the end of the day, it's important to find what works best for you and your fitness journey.