Irritable Bowel Syndrome - The Symptoms and When Should You See a Doctor For Diagnosis and Treatment

Despite the variety of the reasons we have discovered for this illness, it all falls down to one thing and that is the malfunctioning of the bowel.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome may differ from patient to patient. It could vary from diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramping, abdominal pain, and changes in the pattern of bowel habits.

Aside from manifestations of symptoms in the gastrointestinal area, there can also be other physiological changes in the body. A patient suffering from irritable bowel syndrome may also experience dizziness, headaches, pallor, limb pain and anorexia.

Weight loss may also be observed in some cases. Weight loss in IBS is not directly related to the disease itself. Some patients suffering from this condition would want to avoid eating as much as possible to prevent occurrence of symptoms especially those that would cause pain.

But since these symptoms can occur normally and be passed off as just a simple case of diarrhea or a simple case of abdominal cramping, when should you decide to see a doctor?

The most critical thing that you should do is to assess the situation and answer the question "are the symptoms you are experiencing affecting your everyday life?" If the answer to this question is yes, then it would be best for you to see the doctor.

If a symptom such as diarrhea occurs only once or twice then wouldn't really affect your daily activities. It would also mean that the condition you have is not a case of irritable bowel syndrome but a simple case of diarrhea. But if you are constantly experiencing diarrhea for a longer period of time then that affects your activities of daily living. This would also mean that there really is something wrong with your body. It could be IBS or could be some other gastrointestinal illness. And if this is the case, it would be the best time to see the doctor.

After seeking the help of a physician, it may take some time and a lot of procedures to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. Because of the nature of this condition, no specific examination can determine whether a person is affected by it or not. Symptoms as well as other laboratory results will be thoroughly assessed to determine whether it really is a case of IBS or another type of gastrointestinal condition.

The treatment of IBS depends on the signs and symptoms. Initially, after a visit to the doctor, a patient suspected of irritable bowel syndrome will be given medications to suppress or relieve the symptoms. If a patient has diarrhea, he will be given anti diarrhea medications. If he has constipation, he will be given laxatives.

Once established that it is irritable bowel syndrome, treatment will advance. Triggering factor would then be determined to know what kind of treatment to use. If by assessing the physician thinks that the triggering factor is stress, then you may be recommended to have therapy sessions.