Irritable Bowel Syndrome - What are the Causes

A few decades ago, there were studies that irritable bowel was not caused physiologically but rather it was caused by something psychological. It was thought that this condition was an effect of a psychosomatic disorder. The modes of treatment during that time were psychotherapy and behavior therapy.

The etiology of this condition has not been well established yet. So why did you need to have a background knowledge of the gastrointestinal tract? Because IBS targets that system and researches also put their focus on it.

It has also been discussed in medical journals and researches that the cause of irritable bowel syndrome could be somehow related to the human body's immune system. Researchers found out that there several changes in the immune system of a person with IBS. Again, just like the first theory, this is still not established as the cause of irritable bowel syndrome.

In recent studies of this syndrome, a new theory has been founded that irritable bowel syndrome may be caused by infectious agents. In the course of the research, they have found out that there are certain single-celled organisms present in persons with this illness.

Since nobody is really sure what causes this syndrome, doctors and researches alike have some pieces of advice to people regarding IBS. Even though they are not yet too sure on what causes this illness, they advise to always have a good and balanced diet. You should also have proper eating habits. Both of these will help maintain equilibrium in your GI tract.