Is Nutrition Really Important

Is Nutrition Really Important?

In light of recent films like “What the Bleep Do We Know?” and
a collective surge in awareness of Energy therapies and theories,
the one question that clients repeatedly ask me in my coaching
practice is, “Is nutrition really that important?”

My short answer is that, yes, it's all important. The Modality of
the body is not any less or more important than any of the other

The longer answer is that when you take care of the physical,
you send a message to the Higher Self, sometimes referred to
as the Observer, that you are willing to take care of your Self;
that you appreciate this physical manifestation of the spirit or
Energy realm. That, in turn, puts energy in motion. It's self-
nurturing on a symbolic level. Everything physical is
symbolic of the spiritual realm. So, you symbolically nurture
the spirit by taking optimal care of the body.

When clients become lackadaisical in their efforts to maintain
optimum health, instead focusing almost exclusively on spiritual
or emotional health, their physical health inevitably begins to
decline. This, in turn affects their emotional health, and begins
the cycle of an overall decline in total health. Each Modality is
intricately interwoven and interconnected with the others. Any
change, whether perceived to be large or small in one Modality,
has a resounding impact on all.

Each Modality has octopus-like tentacles reaching into the other
four Modalities, changing and altering their fundamental state
based on how optimally you are functioning at any given time.
As such, nourishment or negligence of the physical has deep and
resonating repercussions in all areas of the Self. This then, has
direct and immediate implications on your capacity to actualize
your full potential.

Each one of us has the ability to achieve greatness in our
lifetime. The only way this is even a remote possibility, is to
ensure optimum or peak functioning in each of the Five
Modalities. This requires diligence, dedication, and a deep
commitment to bring to bear all that you are capable of

Admittedly, this is no easy task in a culture that not only
breeds mediocrity, but often celebrates it as an
accomplishment. Each day, each moment, that we are plugged
into our Overarch, is a challenge to the greatness that we are
capable of bringing to fruition. Focusing energy, creativity,
and thought on our inner lives requires a conscious effort to
tear ourselves away from the seductive pull of a consumer-
driven world.

We receive and internalize billions of messages every day to look
at ourselves from the outside, as opposed to looking out from
behind our eyes. We are inundated with media, advertising,
and images encouraging us to consume rather than create; to
accept rather than challenge. Our profound spiritual
connectedness to nature, to one another, to our deeper and higher
selves, is replaced with stagnant dogma. None of this is an
accident. All of these factors jointly produce the effect of an
insatiable soul-hunger; a hunger for which we are then offered
material “cures.”

If we take this very same analogy, and apply it to nutrition,
we see that we have a food industry that strips essential
vitamins, minerals, fats, and other phytochemical components
from plants and produce in their natural forms, and bottles
the extracted nutrients to sell separately to the “health food”
industry. The refined foods, once much of the nutritional value
has been removed, are then sold to the public at large, sometimes
with added sugars or salt, health-eroding trans fats or
hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, colors or other additives
and preservatives.

Again, the result is an insatiable hunger, this time in our
bodies. Americans are the most overfed, yet undernourished
peoples on the planet. Our Overarching culture, at the same time
that it removes most of the nutrition in our grains and produce,
offers us sugar-coated empty calories to assuage the pangs of
deprivation. In much the same way that we lose our sense of a
true spiritual connection and replace it with material profit-
driven “fixes”; we are nutritionally starving while stuffing
ourselves with synthetic versions of the food that grows
naturally in the wild. Nature in the wild that we were meant to
have a spiritual, as well as physical connection to.

If our bodies are starving for real nutrition, our minds are not
functioning at optimum levels, and our emotions follow suit.
This inevitably affects the Spirit Modality, and consequently,
the Overarch. The Overarch is our social, political, cultural,
geographic, and historical position in the world. It is how we
interact with all of these elements, and how they, in turn,
interact with us. It is relatively clear how the Overarch
impacts us; it is often less clear how we impact our

Quite simply, if we take the premise that the micro is the macro,
or the personal is the global, we begin to see how we can have a
tremendous effect on our Overarch. All that we do on an
individual level, in our personal day-to-day lives, is precisely
what is happening in the larger, wider world. Take, for example,
our overfed and undernourished selves in this part of the world –
one of the most affluent and powerful nations in the world. Add
to that a spiritual, or soul-hunger, and a celebration of
mediocrity. Consider, too, that the micro is the macro, and that
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. With
these factors combined, it is not difficult to see why the planet
is in its current condition.

It is also not difficult to see why there is a growing surge, a
powerful global movement, toward evolution. More and more
people are beginning to understand, whether on a conscious level,
or a sub-conscious level, that change is an absolute, dire
necessity. We all basically want the same things: a deeper
connection to a spiritual core, a feeling of being connected to
all of life, to manifest our greatness, and actualize our full
potential. What we disagree on is how to accomplish these goals.

I say the answer lies in making the connections. And, given the
fact that each Modality has deeply embedded roots in all of the
others, my response to the question of whether nutrition is
really important in the grand scheme of the energy realm is:

About the Author

Neesha Dosanjh Meminger is an Optimum Health, Wealth, & Success
Coach who works with people to actualize their full potential.
The Five Modalities of Optimum Success™ is a program that she
developed over years of successful consulting and coaching. To
register for her upcoming teleseminars on the Five Modalities,
visit her website at; or, for a free
collaborative interview, contact her at