It’s Genocide…and Exploitation, Too

It’s Genocide…and Exploitation, Too

 by: Carla Ballatan

Civil war in Sudan has been going on for years and years. Since 1956, when independence was granted to the country, there has been war between its north and south regions. These borders were formed by the British government which had first dominated it.

It is said that the conflict between the people’s religious beliefs drove this long-running civil war – the radical Islam in the south and the non-Muslims versus the Christians and animists in the north. There was a period of 11 years of peace after a coup on 1969, but since 1983, the Shar’ia Law was again imposed by the so-called “insidious infiltration” of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal was to purify Islam, in 1983. The radical Islam in the south stuck to their beliefs of the Shar’ia Law, a harsh Muslim Law that does not recognize other religious beliefs and limits the status of women.

Since then, over 2 million have been killed and 5 million have been displaced at least once. Intense famine is affecting almost all of the population.

However, I believe that there’s much more to the genocide of Islam versus Christians, masked by the civil war in Sudan. At first glance, it’s as if the Islam people are bloodthirsty murderers who slaughter even their own kin and the Christians are hapless victims. Even the continuous reports of Christian aid workers in Khartoum being shot and injured are actually broadcasts to intensify the religious warfare.

Posted on September 2, 2004 at the was another report of a Catholic aid worker from Belgium Caritas being shot and injured at Sudan’s Darfur region on September 1, 2004. The religion of the victim was for all the world to know but surprisingly, his nationality was not revealed. I’m bothered with this kind of reports. These reports are fuelling the Christians’ hate against the Islam and building up the Islam faith to a level of fixation just to assert their autonomy.

Genocide of muslims against Christians may be true. But the real genocide happens because of the exploitation of few world conglomerates’ and dominants on the Sudanese/African people just to maneuver and control the rich oil fields of their country.

The people of Sudan are starving to death, victims of slavery and slaughter, not because of the ensuing holy war – but because of the exploitation of their rich mineral resources. Islamic people are getting frenzied over how to gain genuine autonomy for their country that they are doing it in a wrong way by attacking wrong targets and waving wrong issues. They were inclined to believe that the Shar’ia Law, which promises of a bright and idyllic nation, is the way to achieve economic independence for the whole African continent. A good vision, indeed but since the Law only spouted hate and evil, they may be just deeply maneuvered into believing this. Who’s behind the manipulation, then? Those who stand to gain by the continuous ignorance and division among the Sudanese, of course!