L&S Announce Steps to Protect Against Asbestos & Mesothelioma

L & S, a leading construction company, has announced a series of steps to protect workers and the general public against the dangers of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once commonly used in building materials due to its heat-resistant properties. However, it has since been found to be highly carcinogenic, and exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can lead to a variety of illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.

The steps announced by L & S are in line with current best practices and regulations for managing asbestos in the workplace. They include:

1. Conducting regular asbestos surveys

Prior to any building or renovation work, L & S will conduct a thorough survey to identify any materials that contain asbestos. This survey will include sampling and testing of materials suspected to contain asbestos and will be carried out by a qualified and accredited asbestos surveyor.

2. Implementing an asbestos management plan

Based on the results of the survey, L & S will develop an asbestos management plan detailing the location, condition, and type of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) on the site. The plan will also include details of how the ACMs will be managed, including procedures for minimizing the risk of exposure during any work that might disturb the materials.

3. Using qualified and accredited contractors

L & S will only use contractors who are qualified and accredited to handle and remove asbestos. These contractors will follow strict guidelines and regulations to ensure the safe removal and disposal of any ACMs on site.

4. Providing asbestos awareness training

All L & S employees, as well as any contractors who work on their sites, will receive asbestos awareness training. This training will cover the nature of asbestos and the health risks associated with exposure. It will also provide guidance on how to identify ACMs, how to avoid disturbing them, and what to do if exposure occurs.

5. Providing personal protective equipment

L & S will provide all workers with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize the risk of exposure to asbestos fibers. This may include respirators, gloves, coveralls, and eye protection.

6. Regular monitoring

L & S will regularly monitor the site to ensure that the asbestos management plan is being implemented effectively and that the risk of exposure is being minimized. This will involve regular air testing and visual inspections of the ACMs.

By implementing these steps, L & S is taking a proactive approach to managing asbestos in the workplace and minimizing the risk of exposure to workers and the general public. However, it is important to note that even with these measures in place, asbestos can still pose a risk if not handled properly. It is therefore essential that all workers and contractors adhere to the guidelines set out in the asbestos management plan and receive appropriate training and PPE.

The most serious consequence of asbestos exposure is mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. Mesothelioma is caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos fibers. The disease can take decades to develop, with symptoms often not appearing until 20-50 years after exposure. This makes early diagnosis and treatment difficult, and the prognosis for those diagnosed with mesothelioma is generally poor.

Despite the known risks of asbestos exposure, the substance is still present in many buildings, particularly those built before the 1980s. Asbestos can be found in a range of materials, including insulation, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, pipe lagging, and cement products. It is important to note that asbestos-containing materials that are in good condition and not disturbed do not pose a significant risk. It is only when these materials are damaged or disturbed, releasing asbestos fibers into the air, that the risk of exposure arises.

Managing asbestos in the workplace is therefore crucial for protecting workers and the public from the health risks associated with exposure. Employers have a legal duty to manage asbestos in their buildings and ensure that workers and others are not put at risk. Failure to do so can result in legal action, as well as serious health consequences for those exposed.

In addition to these steps, there are also things individuals can do to protect themselves from the risk of asbestos exposure. If you are in or around a building that may contain asbestos, it is important to:

- Avoid disturbing any materials that may contain asbestos, such as ceiling tiles, insulation, or pipe lagging.
- Never attempt to remove or repair asbestos-containing materials yourself.
- Report any damaged or deteriorating materials that may contain asbestos to the building owner or manager.
- If you suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Mesothelioma is a devastating disease that can be prevented by taking appropriate precautions to manage asbestos exposure. By following best practices and regulations for asbestos management, companies like L & S can protect their workers and the public from the health risks associated with exposure to this dangerous substance. It is essential that all employers and individuals take this issue seriously and take appropriate action to prevent further cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses.