Make Time To Have a Date With Your Autistic Child -To Enjoy Fun and Play

You as parent(s), caregiver(s), might want to consider having a date with your child to enjoy fun and play, which will help improve the social skills for your child.

Why are these dates special and important? It gives your child time to spend with siblings adults, friends, peers and relatives. This will help your child gain confidence and self-esteem.

Your child who has the disorder of autism may be struggling with social skills. Schools that your child attend is an excellent place to start with social skills. Although, attending schools is not always enough to develop interaction for positive social skills, because they are structured.

A date with your child to enjoy for fun and play, can provide time that is not structured, which is valuable for your child and you. This will develop a closeness that often does not happen in a structured atmosphere.

Setting a date for fun and play on your calendar, will provide an opportunity for open discussions, interact more freely with his or her siblings, peers and will help your child be more relaxed and calm. This can be extremely helpful for your child, who has the disorder of autism.

One thing that I have learned from the experience I have had from being with my brother who had his disorder, is to try to find the most flexible or suitable time to spend with your child.

If your child is spending a lot of time traveling back and forth for treatments, therapies, it may become a challenge to create a date for fun that would fit the proper time slot. The cost of treatments, may even cut some of the quality time that your child and you would enjoy having for those special dates.

It might be wise for you to ask if you could coordinate dates for fun and play with other parent(s), caregiver(s), that have dates open for their children, if your child is going to treatments and therapies. Find out if they have openings to have a date to enjoy for fun and play, on the days your child is not involved in other activities.

Do not push your child beyond his or her social abilities, that they are not able to handle or is too overwhelming for him or her. Most children with the disorder of autism may not feel comfortable in social situations and can become stressed out from being taken out of their routine schedule.

Take your child into consideration when planning a date for play and fun. Ask him or her what they would like to do? Make some suggestions for a special place that may interest your child. For example: A park, library, walk, drive, a restaurant, garden, listen to music, go to a movie, draw some pictures, make something creative, etc.

If you are going to plan some activity in the park, you might want to think about a picnic lunch to take along. You and your child could plan the lunch together, by putting together certain likes and dislikes of foods and beverages to take and pack.

If you choose to have friend(s) or sibling(s) to go with you and your child on a fun play date, be sure that the individual is aware of what you plan to do, to eliminate stress and not to violate the boundaries of the other individual.

Are you willing to set aside a special date to enjoy fun and play with your child? Do you realize how important these dates are, to enjoy for your child and you? Do you want to involve other people in these dates to enjoy, for fun and play? Will you be creative to make these dates positive for your child and you tp enjoy?