Natural Alternatives To Plastic Surgery And Facelifts

Wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines. Ageing is an inevitable fact of life. The sun as well as our own natural ageing process causes damage to skin over time, which can lead to pigmented lesions, age spots, freckles, coarse skin textures and an uneven colour. The overall appearance of ageing skin is directly related to the quantitative effects of UV damage into the structural components of the skins collagen and elastic fibres. This damage is becoming evident in ever younger individuals – men and women in their 20’s. Those particularly susceptible are those who live an outdoor lifestyle or who have been exposed to the sun throughout their lives. As the O Zone layer thins so the dangers of damage and disease increase. Staying out of the sun will slow down the ageing process but will not stop it or the inevitable march towards decrepitude.

Cosmetic surgery and our culture
Our society has conditioned us to believe that it is somehow wrong to grow old gracefully. “Beauty culture” is propagated by the media, particularly in glamour and lifestyle magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Vogue, where fashion spreads using teen models are juxtaposed with culturally correct articles on the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery and related procedures. Television advertising is also fond of promoting the ideology of beauty culture. Drug and department stores sell treatment products, creams and lotions to ensure we stay forever young.

Many of the best weapons against aging can be found in our kitchens. According to dermatologist Nicholas V. Perricone, MD, we can control the rate at which we age “Through a three-tier approach involving diet, supplements and creams.” A healthy balanced diet is essential to maintaining a youthful complexion. It is important to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, an important ingredient in natural skin care. A deficiency of omega-3`s has been linked to a wide range of diseases as well as premature skin aging. It is also good to eat berries as they are loaded with antioxidants, which save cells from premature aging. It is advisable for our diets to be low in sugar and carbohydrates. Inflammation is triggered by what we eat and sugar or anything that is rapidly converted to sugar (carbohydrates such as pasta, white rice or white bread) can attach to collagen and cause stiffness of skin and very old looking skin. Collagen is a natural protein that forms connective tissues in the body.

Cosmetic Surgery Without The Knife
It is also possible to create natural skin care toners and masks from domestic ingredients. Health and beauty expert Deborah Chase says that toner is an important aspect of natural skin care. Her recipe for a natural skin care toner consists of boiling 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary, 1 teaspoon of dried thyme and a bay leaf in a cup of white wine for 10 minutes, then leaving to stand for an hour. The toner is then ready to apply and can be refrigerated for a week or so. This toner is refreshing and has anti-inflammatory properties. The alphahydroxy oils in wine encourage good healthy cell growth. It is also possible to create renewal masks using buttermilk, egg yolk, honey and mayonnaise.

Vitamin intake is also important. Beneath age related disease is low grade inflammation. The best way to decrease this is through taking nutrients with powerful anti inflammatory activity. Vitamins C and E are strong antioxidants. Alpha liopic acid is also highly recommended.

An original article by Jodie Farlington, Torbay UK

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