Nutrients On The Decline In Our Foods

As we become more conscious of what we eat, we’re becoming increasingly aware of the role of nutrients in our diet. However, what many people don’t realize is that the nutrient content of our food has been declining in recent decades. The blame for this decline can be placed mainly on the rise of industrial farming practices. The goal of industrial farming has been to increase crop yields and reduce costs. Unfortunately, this has led to a decline in nutrient content as crops are grown more quickly and harvested too early to ripen fully. Here are some of the nutrients on the decline in our foods and what we should do about it.

1. Protein
In recent years, there has been a decline in the amount of protein found in our food. This is due to a few factors, including the fact that animals are now being fed a grain-based diet rather than their natural diet. This results in animals that are less nutrient-dense than they would be if they were eating their natural diet. Additionally, industrial farming methods often result in animals that are stressed, which can cause them to produce less protein. The solution to this problem is to seek out pasture-raised meat, eggs, and dairy products. These animals are allowed to eat their natural diet, resulting in more nutrient-dense food.

2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient that helps to fend off illness and disease. Unfortunately, the amount of vitamin C found in our food has declined over time. This is due to the fact that crops are now being grown for longer periods of time before they’re harvested. This means that the vitamin C content of these crops has decreased as they’ve had more time to break down. To get enough vitamin C in your diet, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. Additionally, look for supplements that provide a high dose of vitamin C.

3. Calcium
Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. However, the calcium content of our food has been declining in recent years. This is due to the fact that industrial farming methods often result in crops that have lower nutrient content overall. Additionally, many people are now avoiding dairy products, which are a rich source of calcium. To get enough calcium in your diet, look for alternative sources. Some great options include leafy greens, nuts, and fortified plant-based milks.

4. Iron
Iron is necessary for oxygen transport throughout the body. However, the iron content of our food has been declining in recent years. This is due to the fact that industrial farming methods often result in crops that are deficient in iron. To get enough iron in your diet, it’s important to seek out foods that are rich in this nutrient. Some top sources include red meat, shellfish, and leafy greens.

5. Zinc
Zinc plays a vital role in our immune system and is crucial for wound healing. Unfortunately, the zinc content of our food has been declining over time. This is due to soil depletion, which has resulted in crops that are less nutrient-dense overall. Additionally, processing and cooking can destroy some of the zinc in our food. To get enough zinc in your diet, look for foods that are high in this nutrient. Some top sources include oysters, beef, and pumpkin seeds.

In conclusion, the nutrient content of our food has been declining in recent years due to the rise of industrial farming practices. To ensure we’re getting enough of the essential nutrients our body needs, it’s important to seek out nutrient-dense foods and supplements. We should also support sustainable, regenerative farming practices that aim to preserve soil health and enhance the nutrient content of our food. By doing so, we can promote better health for both ourselves and the environment.