Power Sleeping starts with Understanding Sleep

Power Sleeping starts with Understanding Sleep

Most people may not realize it but getting proper sleep involves a complex process which not only energizes the body but also promotes healing
strengthens the immune system. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions regarding sleep but with a proper understanding of the inner sleep system you can dramatically improve your quality of life.

Power Naps

Naps can be very beneficial for improving energy if done properly and
for the right duration. If napping is not done properly it can actually
disturb your inner sleep system, inner sleep clock and leave you feeling
tired and drained. There are five stages of sleep. The first two stages
are considered light sleep and the last three stages are where deep sleep
takes place. During Stage 1 and 2 we can be easily awakened. During the
latter stages we enter deep sleep which is where major physiological changes
take place including a slower heart rate, a drop in respiration and a lower
body temperature. People usually enter deep sleep after about 45 minutes
and if awakened during deep sleep the processes can be harmed. For this
reason naps should always be less than 45 minutes. In fact, it has been
determined that ten to twenty minutes naps can be the most effective in
increasing energy levels and making you feel refreshed.

Too Much Sleep can be Harmful

It is a common misconception that the longer you sleep the more energy you
will have. This is not true. Have you ever noticed that when you sleep longer
than usual you are often then tired all day? Sleeping too long can actually
rob you of energy and damage your inner sleep system. This is because one very
important element of your inner sleep system is prior wakefulness. When you
sleep too long you limit your awake time and put stress on your melatonin levels,
sunlight exposure time, and body temperature rhythm. Too much sleep can also be detrimental to the quality of deep sleep that you experience which can
compromise the immune system.

Quality Sleep for Health

You may have noticed that people tend to sleep longer when they are sick.
This is because when we enter deep sleep, Stage 3 and Stage 4, our blood
vessels dilate and all of the blood that typically stored in the organs
throughout the day moves into our muscles to nourish and repair them. Our
immune system activates during deep sleep to heal our bodies and fight off

A proper understanding of the inner sleep system can ensure that we receive
the proper amounts of light and deep sleep. This can ultimately resulting
more energy, less visits to the doctor and the ability to go on less sleep.

This article is copyright©Craig Desorcy

For complete information on holistic Powerful Sleep
Click here http://www.effective-info.com/powerfulsleep.html

About Author:
Craig Desorcy Is a published author and an active advocate of holistic life styles. Craig(at)effective-info.com

About the Author

For complete information on holistic Powerful Sleep Click here http://www.effective-info.com/powerfulsleep.html

About Author:
Craig Desorcy Is a published author and an active advocate of holistic life styles. Craig(at)effective-info.com