Pulse Oximeter Helps To Lose Weight

Weight and obesity is one of the major health issues and problems facing our country today. With the advent of a huge portion of the population that is obese and overweight it has risen to a state of national emergency to get the health of our nation in control. The obesity rates are even particularly high among children as well. A device now exists that can help with battling this problem of obesity and weight. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used to measure pulse rate as well as blood oxygen saturation. So how does this device help in losing weight you ask? It is essentially a portable vital sign monitoring device that can give the individual who is exercising an instant glance to their health at any given point. So for example, lets say that you are obese and that you have decided and are determined to lose weight. You come up with a exercise regiment that requires you to jog outdoors three times a week. Well as a part of the exercise regiment you have been told to monitor your pulse rate and oxygen levels in order to see how you are improving and whether your body