Anyone whos ever been stuck in a major traffic jam probably has seen the darker side of many peoples personalities. It seems everyone is always in a hurry to either get, or go somewhere,

and never seem to allow enough time for the everyday problems that are bound to crop up from time to time.

Banging on the steering wheel, laying on the horn, giving someone the "finger," or shooting a string of obscenities is only reacting to something that has already happened. You cant
make the guy in front of you go any faster, or prevent someone from cutting you off.

Accidents, road repairs, and just plain heavy traffic happens. Learn to deal with it or dont drive. If you must, at least change your route from time to time. Always allow plenty of time, and try and make all trips as pleasant as possible. You may not realize it, but how you act on your way to work, or on your way home will have either a positive or negative impact. Accept the fact that its something you just

have to get through so you may as well try and make the best of it. Dont stress.

Stress Information
By Andrew clacy > with stress news