Ten Tips for Getting Great Cornrows

A style is good only when it suits your facial features. Taking care of your scalp and hair is also a necessary step that you should carefully look after. Cornrows are going to enamor you with the ultimate look they provide as they have an equal appeal for both men and women.

To have flawless cornrows, keep these following points in mind:

(1) Your hair should be around 10 cm, if it is straight and a minimum 5 cm if it has tight curls. Thus, you will not need to braid it tightly to make it stay.

(2) If the professional has examples and sample photos, it would help you to weigh the mastery of the artist in the field.

(3) Wrapping your head with a silk scarf or using a satin pillowcase may help in retaining the style for long. It will also protect the hair from getting frizzy.

(4) If your hairstylist is not careful enough, the braiding process may cause you enormous pain and further result in hair loss, bumps and infections.

(5) You might think that keeping the hair clean is difficult when your hair is styled in cornrows. Use of a water pick dental cleaner, a shower massager or a wide toothcomb helps to clean the hair thoroughly without disturbing the style.

(6) Cold air takes away moisture from the air. Dry hair is prone to everyday damage that you can easily keep healthy with a moisturizer.

(7) One of the most natural ways to do away with moisture loss is to take 8-10 glasses of water regularly.

(8) Using a moisturizing shampoo further helps to retain the moisture balance of hair and keeps it healthy and full of life.

(9) Use of protein-rich conditioners is necessary during colds.

(10) Use of woolen clothes as head cover during winter may also damage the hair. Use a silk scarf to protect your head from cold and hair damage caused by woolen materials that suffocate your hair.

Besides these fundamental rules for managing fabulous cornrows, there are other rules to follow. Sometimes you cannot help using heat on your hair, if so go for a silicon-based product to protect and coat the hair shaft. Trimming the hair every six weeks is necessary to keep the hair in good shape. Thus, combinations of these steps help you to have stylish cornrows.

About the Author

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own http://www.braidsbybreslin.com where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.