
Testosterone is certainly the most important hormone when it comes to sexual characteristics in men. The group of hormones that create and support masculinity is known as androgens. Testosterone plays a role in developing creativity, intellect, thought patterns, assertiveness and drive, as well as the ability to propose new ideas and carry them through to successful conclusions. It also affects general health during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Adequate levels of testosterone throughout life help males to thrive as children, develop stronger muscles and bones (along with acne) during puberty, cope with stress during peak career years, and age gracefully after retirement

Male hypogonadism with a deficiency of testosterone is a relatively common disorder in clinical practice and has significant effects on the fertility, sexual function, and general health of patients. Testosterone supplements and testosterone therapy are used to treat people with low testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements can help alleviate many of the symptoms of low testosterone. Testosterone, whether naturally produced or from testosterone supplements, is known to enable the growth of muscle mass and strength, decrease and redistribute body fat, influence thought patterns in the brain, and maintain a healthy sex drive. Testosterone supplements also affect muscles, bones, the prostate and sexual function.

Testosterone Supplements Types

The most common types of testosterone supplements are testosterone cream, testosterone gel, testosterone patches, and testosterone injections. All of the testosterone supplements above have been proven effective. When choosing between testosterone supplements, the main factors to consider are price and convenience. Click on each of the underlined links above for more information about each of the testosterone supplements.

Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone therapy is a common way to treat testosterone deficiency. As with most hormones, testosterone levels in the body decrease with age. In men, this begins around age 25. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the amount of interest in testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy can also halt and, sometimes, reverse the physical decline that occurs with age. In addition, testosterone therapy can restore a diminished sex drive and support muscle mass development. Males who have utilized testosterone therapy often feel stronger and healthier. In a nutshell, testosterone therapy is designed to restore your bodily hormones to the levels experienced in your youth.

Testosterone Cream

Testosterone cream has emerged as one of the most popular forms of testosterone supplements. One of the main advantages of testosterone cream is that it is easier to use and generally less invasive than other testosterone supplements such as testosterone injections.

Testosterone Gel

Testosterone cream and testosterone gel are very similar, and pharmacies can often produce either of the testosterone supplements. The most common testosterone gel is probably Androgel, which is a packaged testosterone gel that is sold in pharmacies. Many patients prefer testosterone gel to other testosterone supplements because it is generally the least irritating and requires no painful injections or uncomfortable patches.

Testosterone Supplements Prescription

Testosterone supplements require a prescription that can be obtained from a physician. Many online suppliers of testosterone supplements are also able to provide a prescription for testosterone supplements after completing an online consultation.

About The Author

Julie Rimmer is a leading medical researcher and has been writing for numerous medical journals for the past 10 years.

For further information and resources on the pros and cons of testosterone, be sure to visit her site at

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