Hair removal aint what it used to be. No more "creams" and waxing. Laser Hair removal can give you the results you want without the hassle you dont! If youve considered laser hair removal, there are many skilled dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons for you to check out. Dont be embarrassed by unwanted hair any longer. With laser you can remove what you dont want and leave what you do.
Top 10 reasons you must have Laser Hair Removal
10) Because you like the Star Trek sound of it
9) During process, you can spell messages in the removed areas
8) Makes you seem more brave
7) Avoid getting a sore throat from all that screaming that comes with waxing
6) End the embarrassment of kids pointing and giggling
5) Keep your carrots from getting eaten (oh, wait, thats laser hare removal)
4) So mother stops trying to brush off something thats attached to you!
3) Tired of buying the latest 2, no 3, no 4, no 5-bladed razors!
2) New sunglasses make scratchy sound when they rub up against your unibrow
And the number 1 reason you must have a laser hair removal in Maryland...
1) People will stop thinking youre European
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Steven Sashen creates Top 10 lists for dozens of topics. Find out more about Laser Hair Removal at: