Twenty Hair Myths and Misconceptions

Myths are harder to beat than hard-core facts. Some of these common myths guide your perspective quite strongly and may prove harmful for healthy maintenance of your mane. The twenty myths regarding your hair are as follows:

1. One of the most noted myths regarding hair growth is that hair grows rapidly if it is pruned quickly.
2. If you think that split ends can be repaired, you are surely inculcating a wrong conception.
3. To think that brushing your hair is going to make it long and healthy is yet another misconception that you often entertain.
4. Tight hats have often been held responsible for facilitating baldness.
5. Some people live under the impression that hair starts to gray suddenly.
6. You often hear that if you pluck one gray hair two others follow. This is nothing more than a common myth.
7. Many think that hereditary baldness comes from mother’s side, which is not true.
8. You feel sure that dandruff results from dry hair while the contrary is true for it.
9. Again, dandruff is treated to be a contagious problem, which does not have any scientific basis.
10. If you think that cutting your hair during full moon will make it healthier and lustrous, you are surely entertaining a wrong notion.
11. If you follow the conception that you should trim your split ends at home, better give it a thought and visit a professional when required.
12. Another myth related to hair growth is that hair grows at uniform pace.
13. To consider that hair texture remains the same no matter how you treat is wrong. It can undergo notable changes with time and care.
14. If you shave your baby’s scalp and think that it will change his or her hair-texture then you are mistaken.
15. Using hair color during pregnancy is harmful. This is a notion wrong.
16. Virgin root hairs do not require special care. You have to do away with this misconception.
17. One of the bizarre notions that you often come across is that blow-drying causes the hair to smoke.
18. If you hold the view that your smoking habit does not facilitates graying of hair, you are wrong to think so.
19. You may grow the notion that gray hair can only be covered by permanent hair colors, it is not exactly so.
20. Another interesting mythical notion is that conditioner does not provide any benefit as it is rinsed out of the hair.

You have to combat these myths so you can take care of your hair properly.

About the Author

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.