Website Designs And Online Marketing Tools For Dental

Website Designs And Online Marketing Tools For Dental

 by: Myna Harriot

Online Marketing Tips For Dental Services

Your reputation as a qualified dentist should not be compromised by a website that doesn't reflect your practice. Why pay thousands on a site that has all the latest technology when you're not quite hitting the right audience – your patients and future clients?

While web designers know all the latest tricks for HTML and other codes, they don't know your business better than you. You need to be able to communicate this without getting caught up in the latest cool features for websites. When you know what you want to tell your visitors, your visitors will be more likely to use your website as a valuable resource and tool.

A few helpful tips to make your online marketing tools benefit your practice are listed below:

1. Material relevant to your practice is what matters to your visitors. Granted, a nice looking website is helpful, but a website chalk full with interesting content is far more important. Try not to write as though you're communicating with a professional dental association. As for organizing your web material, the first thing that visitors see on your site should have your dental practice's name, a picture of your place, and contact information.

2. Visuals like a photo of yourself and your building are very helpful. Also, compose an online introductory letter including your degrees and activities that you enjoy.

3. E-newsletters help you offer advise and support for your clients. Ask patients for their email address and mail off newsletters on a monthly basis. Include proactive material that keeps your patients up-to-date on dental care and your practice.

4. Don't make your visits wait for information to download. Too many graphics or intricate graphics can cause your visitors to quickly go elsewhere.

5. Fresh content is much more attractive. Include interesting articles and features with engaging and time sensitive the material to entice visitors to return frequently. Use an online direct mail service for relevant material that can be inserted into your site or e-newsletter.

6. Let your clients know that you have a website by listing it on direct mail campaigns or including it on literature in your waiting room. Many referral services such as 1800Dentist also let you list your web address. Also, you can register your site with some search engines.

7. Make your website interactive with customer service, monthly contests, promotions and quizzes. The more visitors feel connected with the site the more likely they are to return sooner for the special deals and service. Offer coupons and other discounts like money off a cleaning. Many clients also look for links to help them understand their dental needs or fun links that highly interest them.

A website and other online marketing tools shouldn't cost your practice lots of money and result in little benefit. With some instruction, most office managers can update the material from the office computer. Visit Dental Marketing Center ( or Internet Dental Alliance ( to discover more about web designs exclusively for dental practices.