What\'s in your Water?

Water Quality
By: Tim Langen

Concerned about the safety of your drinking water?
You dont need only to filter water when visiting 3rd world countries.
We have some real concerns about water quality right her in America.
From the National Cancer institute : " Long tern drinking of chlorinated
water appears to increase the risk of developing bladder cancer as much as 80
percent". According to the St Paul dispatch and Pioneer press: "Some 45,000
Americans are diagnosed every year with Bladder Cancer".

According to the EPA as many as 40 million Americans may be consuming
Dangerously high levels of lead, a toxic substance, when they dring water
from their faucets. Lead is thought to have the most serious effects on small
children, infants and developing fetuses. Tiny amounts are thought to limit
brain development increasing the risk of behavioral problems and learning disabilities.
It is very important to have properly filtered water for consumption by mothers and for mixing formula for infants to prevent these possible problems.
Lead poisoning is associated with learning impairment, reduced IQs and hyperactivity
in children, high blood pressure in adults, and under weight and premature newborns.

The water in your body is the medium that carries every nutrient including
the oxygen necessary to get a good fat burn from a workout.
Water carries the nutrients from your diet and to get the proper nutrients
into the cells to get the benefit from the meals you eat it is important to
stay properly hydrated and avoid dehydration.

To learn more about water purity and your health see: