Botox is revered by millions as the answer to achieving a
more youthful appearance without having to resort to "going
under the knife." Botox injections can dramatically soften
expression lines, worry lines, frown lines, crows feet and
laugh lines. Botox is actually a paralyzant made from the
botulism toxin that is injected under beneath wrinkles.
These wrinkles occur as the muscles under the skin contract
when we laugh, smile or frown. Paralyzing the muscles with
botox prevents the world from seeing how much weve aged by
relaxing facial muscles and smoothing out the surface skin.
However before you book an appointment with a dermatologist
or cosmetic surgeon for a Botox treatment there are a few
factors that you might want to consider first.
Be aware that not all Botox is created equal. This is
because Botox became the most the most popular cosmetic
procedure performed in the United States long before it was
approved on the FDA. This lack of federal regulation
allowed certain practitioners to dilute the botox with
saline and then sell these injections for about $99.00 U.S.
This sharply undercuts the U.S. national price of $340 per
injection (or per facial area.
Botox is not cheap stuff so it would be wise not to go for
the bargain botox, as there can be grotesque complications
as a result. It is very likely the saline in the diluted
botox can migrate into other muscle areas causing problems
such as double vision, droopy eyelids, droopy lips,
uncontrollable tearing and drooling.
It is also not a good idea to get botox if you are
pregnant or breast-feeding. Remember this is a toxin that
has like any other foreign substance the potential to
migrate to other places in the body. Although some
cosmeticians and surgeons will tell you it is okay to have
botox as long as you dont breast feed your baby for two
days afterwards your best course of action is to not get
botox at all if you are nursing!
Botox cannot be injected into some lines around the mouth
on the upper lip or into the lower frown lines around the
chin. This is because botox injections can paralyze the
face for up to six months in these areas which are called
the perioral area. If a practictioner tells you that it is
safe to inject botox into the area above the upper lip you
are probably not dealing with a professional.
You should also be advised that people have died in the
past as a result of a fatal allergic reaction to a botox
injection. If you are allergic to lidocaine then you are
probably going to be allergic to botox.
Another concern you might have about botox injections
might be the cost. Most insurance companies do not cover
costs associated with cosmetic surgery, so the expenses
come out of your pocket. Unfortunately it is tempting for
many of us put our need to sip from the eternal fountain of
youth rather than take care of necessities. The effects of
Botox injections are so impressive that many people find
the treatments addictive. For this reason if you have an
addictive personality, botox injections are probably not
for you.
(c) 2005 Kelly Altodona - All Rights Reserved
Kelly Altodona is a cosmetic surgery freelance author.