BioShock Is Unlike Any Game Ever Released From A Major Publisher

Bioshock is that rare game where the plot, environment, and combat are all steps above the normal video game experience. Games at their very best, like this one, can create amazing alternative worlds for us to inhabit, doing those things we can't do in real life. BioShock was such a nice, melancholy and personal experience, seeing a movie of it just kinda seems a tad disconnected. There's no way a film can replicate the experience of playing through the game, the suspense, the little moments, the freedom. On the one hand I was delighted that 2K Games has brought the game, albeit a year late, to Sony's console.

It's a first person shooter, but it melds in elements of role playing and adventure games so well that people who don't care for those genres won't realize it. BioShock is all about placing yourself in a wonderful, heavily detailed environment filled with memorable characters, cool enemies, and creepy atmospheres. If you're looking for another run 'n gun game to play while you chug down a few Cokes, you'll probably be better off not picking BioShock up. BioShock 2 will be released for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC at the end of 2009.

Bioshock is telling us that Randianism is easily perverted, not that Ryan began with perverted ideals. It describes a state, not a process, and to get to the objectivist ideal, Ryan felt pressured into forsaking his beliefs to save his city. BioShock has an disturbing story loosely based on Ayn Rand's Objectivism ideals, and takes place in an underwater city where morality has been cast aside, and evolution takes the limelight. In BioShock, you'll battle crazed genetic freaks, armor clad Big Daddies, and try to harvest the life giving serum inside Little Sister mutants.

Bioshock looks more on the suspenseful side and intense, yes more of the same look but switching the drill to hand gun and still have plasmids.nice. I am curious though how they explain a Big Daddy having a plasmid ability? Bioshock is an FPS, but with many elements that make the gameplay more complex than just shooting your enemies while advancing in the game. In addition to the usual, and not so usual, fire and melee weapons, the main character can use "plasmids", genetic tools created in Rapture that can give superpowers, like telekinesis or fire throwing, to those who use them.