How To Correctly Water Orchids

Because orchids are such amazing plants which produce the most spectacular blooms, it's hardly surprising then that they've become one of the top favorites as far as houseplants are concerned. However, just like any other plant that can be found growing in a home; they require certain growing conditions to remain in the peak of health.

One thing you will need to do correctly is to water orchids with the proper amount of water so that optimal growing conditions can be maintained. Each type of orchid will require a different watering amount than the other which is why it is a good idea to do a good amount of research on the specific orchid you wish to keep in your home. In fact, if you intend keeping orchids then you should ideally try to familiarize yourself with orchids in general.

One thing that is important to remember if you are growing orchids in your home is that they naturally grow in parts of the world that have tropical environments. In an orchid's natural habitat there is a large amount of rainfall and a very high humidity level. The humidity level in places like that reaches 80% and sometimes higher. If you implemented the same humidity level in your own home, you would find it very uncomfortable. That is why you must implement an alternative solution to this problem.

The best way to provide your orchids with all the humidity they need is to make sure they have a constant water supply nearby. There are many growers that will use a deep saucer that is filled with rocks and water to simulate a humid environment. The pot that has the orchid in it will then be placed over this saucer on top of the rocks so that a humid environment can be simulated. By having water underneath the rocks you ensure that the plant experiences the humidity it needs and loves.

Over-watering is the most common mistake people make when they keep orchids. Most people think that they need to start giving the plant water whenever the potting medium seems to be dry. Most people grow their orchids in potting bark, and even though bark may appear to be dry, it can retain moisture for quite a few days.

A good rule to apply when watering orchids is to do it once every week when the weather is cooler. In fact, it may even be more beneficial to water orchids once every other week. Another good rule to remember is that you should always allow the potting bark to dry out completely before you water your orchids again. There are a number of orchids that grow inside cavities of tree trunks and even on the trees themselves and after awhile their roots will dry out. Once this happens they simply wait for the next rainfall to come.

Orchids also need to be fertilized, but fertilizer should only be given sparingly, and it's always best to use fertilizer which has been made specifically for orchids.

Providing you maintain a good watering and fertilizing routine, your orchids should remain in perfect health. In order to make sure that your orchids will thrive in your home, you will want to make sure that you are giving them good quality potting bark, the right amount of water and bark and even some fertilizer every now and then.

Yes, orchids are for the most part stunningly beautiful, but they can also be a little bit temperamental at times. The only way you will be able to get around this is to make sure that you have proper knowledge of their care. If you do this, you will find that they are not nearly as difficult to grow as some people think.