Meaning Of Dreams, Do They Mean Anything?

What are the real meanings of dreams? Do they really mean anything? If I've dreamed about hurting people in my dreams am I sick? They are all questions that can be asked by several people. Those people who look into dream interpretation, and some that make it their gospel even.

First off you have to actually remember what you had a dream about. A lot of the time people will awake and forget what happened in a dream. But if you would like to try and remember add a paper and pen beside your bed.

A person who is creative will use dreams to their advantage too. In fact many writers and painters will get stories or images directly from what they dreamt about. At times these images and ideas can be terrifying.

Does this mean that people who dream about murder are bad? Heck no, in fact if you take some B12 you may even experience some very vivid dreams; ones like you never have before.

How can that work though? Since each person has different ways that they have been raised, and different sets of priorities. Not only that but not everyone has the same desires, so dreams will be different. A poor person may constantly dream of wealth, just because they want money, it's a desire.

Or if you go with Freud's way of thinking almost all dreams you have are connected to sexual feelings that are repressed. Of course it's also known that one of Freud's most popular vices was the use of Cocaine. Not taking anything from the brilliant doctor though, because his studies have vastly improved modern psychology.

However, if you look back in history the thoughts of what dreams mean have changed. As society changes and technology advances people dream about different things.

Dreams of death use to mean that a birth was imminent, while dreams of birth meant death. However if you look at the meanings now they are completely different. Which do you side with?

So instead of worrying that you dreamt of killing your husband last night, enjoy the fact that in your dream you got rid of some of your aggression. Enjoy life and remember that dreams are just that dreams. They may mean something, but it's really hard to classify everyone's dreams into one meaning.