Success with Phalaenopsis Orchids

The Phal or Phalaenopsis orchid is fast becoming one of the most popular house plants. Where once orchids were thought to be only for specialist enthusiasts, the phal orchid with its environmental requirements so similar to that provided by our own homes, this perception is rapidly changing.

The phal orchid is relatively easy to take care of so long as you observe some basic guidelines.


The phalaenopsis orchid likes a fairly warm and quite humid environment; somewhere with a temperature that does not fall below 58 F (15C) so most heated homes would be quite suitable. They do enjoy light but not strong direct sunlight as this could scorch the leaves. If the temperature becomes too hot or if the humidity drops they can be misted daily with a spray bottle.


Phal are epiphyte orchids and can be found growing on trees in the tropical regions of Asia. In their natural habitat they get the bulk of their water and nutrients from the atmosphere and from decaying matter that falls around them and not from the earth. They should never be planted in regular house plant soil but should be grown in a fairly open mix of medium sized bark pieces and sphagnum moss or tree-fern fiber. Once they have started to become established their aerial roots will start to extend and will eventually cascade of their pot. These aerial roots should not be cut back.


Phals store water in their large succulent leaves and do not produce bulbs so they must be watered regularly. They should be watered once or twice a week in summer and only about once a week in winter. To water them place them on a draining surface, your kitchen draining board for example and pour a large cupful of water into the top of the pot.

Orchids should never be watered from the bottom as this will run the risk of the roots become water-logged which is a sure way of killing your beloved plant. Let the water drain free before you return them back to their normal home.


Phalaenopsis orchids like a humid environment and the best way of providing this in the home is to place them on a humidity tray. A humidity tray is simply a tray or container that your fill with gravel or medium sized pebbles on which you place your orchid pot.

Pour water into the tray to about half the depth of the gravel or pebbles. Water will then naturally evaporate around your plant creating the humid environment. The water in the humidity tray should never be allowed to touch the bottom of your orchid pot and seep in and around your orchid