Talent Tree Changes for WotLk World of Warcraft Death Knights

As expected The Wrath of the Lich King Expansion is loaded with changes for World of Warcraft gamers. A flood of new content has come in, especially regarding the new Death Knight Class. Key Questions being, how is it played? and what will each talent tree entail?

The Death Knight, as a new melee/casting hybrid, is able to play a range of options from support to tanking, casting and even healing in some special situations. This results in a class that very few people have come close to mastering, even a year after the expansions release, but it doesn't seem to stop people being excited to play this class their first time around.

The Blood talent tree, Frost talent tree and Unholy tree make up the death knight's talent trees in Wrath of the Lich King and each has a very different use.

Hybrid tanking and higher DPS (damage per second) is what the Blood Talent Tree is best utilized for to focus on physical damage. Just like the warrior class do with the arms tree. As a Death Knight you can definitely land a solid role in a raid being the DPS character and could most likely do an ok job as an off tank with this build. You can also expect the DPS build of a death Knight to be an extremely popular method to enter PVP (player vs player) due to the tanking abilities.

The Frost Talent Tree is home of the spells and burst damage potential. There really aren't any dedicated Frost builds that can truly take advantage of everything the build has to offer, with the majority of builds including a mix of either blood or unholy talents. As a rough rule of thumb, the frost/blood hybrids are best for tanking while the frost/unholy hybrids work best for PVP.

Third and the favourite for those who love calling the undead will be the Unholy Tree. Its used to focus on your summons and diseases, it's clearly a combination that makes for good tanking qualities as well as hybriding with other classes for DPS builds.

Even thought the game has been released for a year now i still don't think the final verdict for these talent trees has been seen. At a glance, the Death Knight is not only a powerful adversary; it is a very versatile group member.