The Proper Steps To Watering Orchids And To Keep Your Plants Healthy and Thriving

When you have a garden, you know you must do whatever you can to keep your flowers and plants alive. It doesn't matter if you've got a rose garden or if you've got an orchid garden, you need to be sure your plants get the most care. One thing you need to ensure of is water. Whether you're watering orchids or roses, you need to be sure that your plants are thriving in the best conditions possible if you want gorgeous blooms.

Now, if you choose to grow orchids, remember they come in a variety of sizes, colors and species so you have a wide variety to choose from. You need to be aware of the water requirements for each species, as they differ from one another. Be sure to do your research before you plant and grow your orchids.

While knowing the stipulations for watering orchids is good, you should also know about orchids' origins and other bits of information that can help you a healthy orchid garden.

The Environment of An Orchid Plant

Orchid plants are native to the tropical regions of the planet. Not only is it warm in these areas but it's also rainy. Thus, the humidity of these regions is generally around 80 percent, which is intolerable for humans. With that in mind, how can you raise healthy orchids and stay comfortable?

Recreating The Tropics In Your Home For Your Orchids To Flourish

You want your orchids to grow and give you blooms but you must be watering orchids correctly. If you want to recreate the tropical environment of your orchid, then consider using pebbles and a deep saucer. It works by placing the pebbles in the saucer and filling it up with water. Place the saucer underneath the orchid without letting the roots touch the dish.

Watering Orchids The Right Way

When you're watering orchids, you want to be sure you don't give them too much. The majority of orchid owners assume, and for good reason, that if the potting soil is dry, it must be given water. This is a fallacy in their thinking and should not be done. If your orchids have bark for their potting soil, it'll retain the moisture. You only need to water your orchids once a week... perhaps even once every other week. Be sure to give them trace amounts of water.

If you have orchids growing inside your home, you must let the potting bark dry entirely before you go watering them again. Keep in mind that orchids that thrive on tree trunks and branches dry out entirely before being replenished with water.

Why Fertilizer Is Still Necessary

Even if you're watering orchids, you still need to feed it fertilizer. Don't over fertilize your plants especially if you plan on having your garden for quite some time. Set up a routine for your orchid species that including fertilizing and water orchids at appropriate times.

If you want healthy orchids for years to come, it's best you learn all you can about them. Be sure you know what needs they have and how they must be taken care of. Watering orchids the right way will depend on knowing what species you have and what that species needs. This is when doing your homework is imperative.