The Settlers Of The Catan

Settlers Of The Catan board game challenges two to four players to settle a deserted island. To play, you build a random island full of resources and give each resource a number.

Settlers Of The Catan is a great way to teach kids about strategy, negotiating, planning, risk taking and so on. It's a game about building and trade. Each player uses five resources - wood, ore, wheat, wool, and brick - to build roads, settlements, and cities.

Players also receive a bonus resource for land tiles they uncover, dependent on what land tile was uncovered

There are some major differences in the game-play including the creation of a board as each settlement and road is built as well as the ability to more directly affect other players.

Players roll dice to determine which resources are generated each round and then must strategically trade these resources with other players to get what you need to build their settlements, cities and roads.

Players may harm each other by moving the robber, refusing to trade, cutting off building routes, taking the "longest road" and "largest army" cards, and using certain development cards. The layout of the board and restrictions on building allow for a player to be boxed in through poor play or bad luck.

Trade with other players, or at local seaports to get resources you might lack. The first player to achieve 10 points from a combination of roads, settlements, and special cards wins. Traders & Barbarians collects together a number of smaller scenarios, some of which have previously been published elsewhere.

The set includes an official two-player variant. Trade sheep, lumber, bricks and grain for a settlement, bricks and wood for a road, or try to complete other combinations for more advanced buildings, services and specials.

Visit my review site for more information about this exciting board game at