Can Basement Walls Be Fixed With Minimal Yard Damage?
If you have a basement in your home, then you are probably well aware of both the benefits and the drawbacks of having such an arrangement. On the one hand, a basement can be great for extra storage, as a place for the kids to get out of your hair, or perhaps as a place for a laundry room or an additional bathroom. However, despite all these uses for your basement, it probably inevitably suffers from some common problems.
One of the most common problems in basements is bowing walls. This can be quite scary. It looks as if your basement may cave in on your head at any moment. Another common problem is that large cracks can begin to form in the walls of your basement. There are many reasons that this happens to basements on a regular basis.
Although it may seem as if your basement is protected from the elements in a way that the rest of your home isn't, it might actually be subjected to additional aspects of nature that can cause damage to your walls over time. The soil, for example, contains many nutrients and minerals which can corrode the walls of your basement. Unless you've had basement waterproofing installed, rainwater can seep down through the soil and pool in small cracks in your walls.
Over time, these cracks grow larger and larger. Sometimes tree roots might decide that your basement is in their path, and they will try to break it down. While it would be easy for you to see a tree branch rubbing against one of the walls of your home, it is much more difficult to detect essentially the same thing when it is happening underground.
You've probably thought about having your basement repaired, but you have been putting it off because you know how much of a hassle it is. Perhaps you've seen a neighbor of yours going through the process of having his basement repaired. It looked as if his entire yard had to be demolished and torn up. Who wants to live through such upheaval?
Luckily, there are now new technologies that companies use to repair the basements in people's homes. These technologies are quite astounding. They can essentially freeze your basement walls in their current state so that you won't have to worry about them collapsing down on your head. Some of the technologies will actually allow the walls to grow stronger over time.
Waterproofing contractors can make your walls repel water. The best part is that these can usually be installed right down in your basement or with very little intrusion into your yard. You won't have to worry about living at a construction site. If you are having basement problems, you definitely want to get them solved as soon as possible, before the damage becomes irreversible. Call some foundation contractors today to see what they can do for you.