Causes and Concerns of Water Damage in Long Beach, CA

Many homeowners have serious concerns over water damage in Long Beach, CA, especially during winter storms when some areas are prone to flooding. Besides the seldom pipe breakages or leaky roofs as a result of storms, water damage can be caused by a number of small factors such as occasional spills. Water damage is not just caused by dirty or contaminated water but even clean water can be harmful. There are three types of water damage. Different types of damages are caused depending on whether it is clean water, gray water or black water.

The easiest to handle is clean water. There can be numerous ways how clean water gets collected in unwanted areas. It might be due to a spill in the kitchen or bathroom. In any case, it must be wiped off as soon as possible. If left unattended it will breed bacteria and mold. On a hard surface, simple mopping might be enough. On a more porous material, drying up is required. After a thorough cleaning, some disinfectant may also be applied to remove any impurities. To remove any bad odor, a disinfectant spray can also be applied.

Another type of water damage in Long Beach is caused by gray water. This type of water is contaminated with bacteria and if ingested may cause illnesses such as diarrhea. This may be the result of any dishwasher spills, toilet water or water from the washing machine. Cleaning up will require some protective covering for the hands and face. Gray water if left for twenty four hours could turn in to black water. Therefore, immediate action is necessary.

The third type is that of the black water. This can be very dangerous. It possesses huge amounts of contaminations including bacteria, chemicals, fungi and mold. Exposure to black water can be extremely dangerous for the residents especially pets and children. Cleaning up of black water is something that should be done with the help of professionals. They are trained and equipped to deal with water damage in Long Beach.

Whatever may be the type of water, it cannot be ignored for longer periods. The health hazards associated with contaminated water has affected millions of households worldwide. The best way to deal with water damage in Long Beach is to take preventive measures. Some of the basic preventive measures are getting all plumbing jobs fixed in time; provision of adequate amount of insulation and proper ventilation in all areas especially the bathrooms and the attic. Another tip is to keep all cleaning and disinfectant equipment handy in the house for taking immediate action.

The best way to deal with a high volume of contaminated water damage in Long Beach, CA is to hire water damage restoration companies to take appropriate action. They have expert teams of trained and professional technicians and the right tools and equipment to deal with all kinds of impurities. They can make more accurate assessments and reach out even in some of the difficult or hidden areas. It is a good idea to research the companies before consulting as all of them are not so much of experts as they claim to be.