Cheap Ideas For Paver Designs

If you are faced with the decision of whether or not you are using pavers on your driveways, patios, or walkways, the first thing that you would probably think of are the cheap paving stone options that exist. We refer to cheap here as being inexpensive while providing good quality. Never settle for paving stones that are inexpensive yet with poor quality. Doing so would entail replacement sooner or later which means additional costing for you. Here are the top ten cheap paving designs ideas that we have compiled to assist your decision making.

1. Loose stone or gravel is perhaps the cheapest option for your driveway. However, it is kind of hard to maintain. Driveway pavers of this kind will have to be raked and tended it often, as well as replace missing stones. Also, this is not recommended in snowy areas as snow is hard to plow on these type of outdoor pavers.

2. Macadam is another paving stone that is quite cheap. It is also called tar or chip and looks like a combination of asphalt and loose paving stones. Asphalt is an alternative to Macadam. Installed properly, these pavers could last for a long time.

3. Concrete pavers are popular of course. Though it is not the best choice as driveway pavers because it eventually cracks. Nonetheless, concrete pavers still can be used for small-scaled paving projects.

4. If you are thinking of having a brick driveway or brick walkway, be informed that the price of any project concerning brick pavers are relatively higher because they need to be laid by hand. What you can do to minimize projects concerning brick pavers is find an installer that do not ask for a very high professional fee.

5. Clay bricks are also good brick pavers. They are classic outdoor pavers that are known to handle stress, as well as expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature.

6. If you want to deviate from using paving stones, you can try considering bigger slabs. Paving slabs, also called as flagstone pavers, cost less that the usual price of paving stones per square foot. This is because you will need fewer flagstone pavers to cover your project area due to its large size.

7. Because of the global trends to be eco-friendly, permeable pavings are also one cheap option that you may want to do. These pavers are very permeable to water making it very environmentally friendly.

8. Distributors of pavers offer discounts for bulk buyers. So you can really save if you buy as many pavers as you can. Do not be limited to the amount of pavers that you need for you area. Ask your neighbors if they are also planning to install driveway pavers or patio pavers in ther place and share this idea with them.

9. Another way for you to save money is to install pavers by yourself. This way, you won't need to pay for the contractor's professional fee. If that is not a viable option for you, then spend some time finding a quality contractors with cheap overall price of installation work.

10. Lastly, always think of maintenance. Some outdoor pavers might be cheap to install, but will turn out to be so expensive to maintain.

The exact prices of your paving project will depend on several things. But at least now, you have an idea of the cheapest options you can choose from.

Paver Outlet

3240 SE 6th Ave, Unit 200

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

(954) 251-0022