Color, Rollers and a Little Bit of Spackling! Ready to Paint Those Kitchen Cabinets

When it comes to giving your kitchen cabinets a fresh makeover, picking the right colors and tools can make all the difference. So, before you start, it’s important to do your research and understand some of the basics about color theory and painting techniques. Here are a few tips to help you get started:


When selecting a color for your cabinets, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, think about the overall style and decor of your kitchen. Do you want your cabinets to blend in or stand out? Additionally, consider the size of your space. If your kitchen is on the smaller side, you may want to choose a lighter color to make the room feel more spacious. Finally, think about the mood you want to create. Colors like blue and green can provide a calming effect, while red and orange can create a sense of energy and excitement.


When it comes to painting cabinets, rollers are a great tool to use. Not only do they make the job go faster, but they also provide a smooth and even finish. When selecting a roller, choose one with a short nap - about ¼ inch. This will allow you to get a smooth and even finish without leaving any streaks or lines.

Another important factor to consider is the material of the roller. Foam rollers are a popular choice since they can be reused several times and can produce a very smooth finish. However, foam rollers are not recommended for rough or textured surfaces, as they may not distribute the paint evenly. For rough surfaces, a microfiber or woven roller may be a better option.

While rollers are a great tool for getting a smooth finish, it’s important to remember that they can create paint splatters if not used correctly. To avoid splatters, use a roller cover that is the appropriate size for the tray and avoid overloading the roller with paint.


Before you start painting your cabinets, it’s important to prepare the surface. This includes filling any holes or cracks in the wood with spackle. Spackle is a plaster-based compound that dries quickly and can be sanded down to a smooth finish.

When applying spackle, use a putty knife to apply a thin layer over the hole or crack. Be sure to push the spackle firmly into the hole to ensure it fills it completely. Once the spackle has dried, sand it down with a fine-grit sandpaper until it is smooth and level with the surface of the wood.

After the spackle has dried and been sanded down, you’ll want to clean the surface of your cabinets to remove any dust or debris. This will help ensure that the paint adheres properly and lasts for a long time.


When you’re ready to start painting your cabinets, be sure to use a high-quality paintbrush to get into small areas and tight corners. A 2-inch angled brush is a good choice as it can be used for both cutting in (painting around the edges of the cabinets) and for painting larger areas.

When using a roller, start at the top of the cabinets and work your way down, using long and even strokes. Be sure to apply a thin and even coat, and avoid going over any areas that have already started to dry.

Most experts recommend applying two or three thin coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next. This will help ensure that the paint adheres properly and provides a smooth and even finish.


Painting your kitchen cabinets can be a fun and rewarding project, provided you have the right tools and knowledge. By selecting the right colors, using high-quality rollers, preparing the surface properly, and using a careful and even painting technique, you can create a beautiful and durable finish that will last for many years to come. So, roll up your sleeves, get to work, and transform your kitchen into a space you’ll love!